My cousin Jo is really quite an extraordinary woman. She has taken to her new spanking relationship with a cunning and enthusiasm that escapes me! It probably helps that she has fantasized about this for ages and is only now realizing her fantasies. All the same, she is a source of never ending inspiration to me. Which is really saying a lot for a person of my experience.
even knowing what i know...i still want a spanking! |
She and I were chatting yesterday and she was telling me of the various implements she would like to try. So far she has discovered that the paddle haribrush can be a nasty little bugger, while a crop can be erotically arousing. I agree with you on this last bit, Jo. And in 2 weeks, I get to put your theory into practice yet again!
mmmm...can't wait. And I bet you cannot either! |
Jo has not yet tasted the flesh searing pop of a Lexan paddle. Nor has she experienced the blistering heat of a wide leather strap. Though she knows of Nigel's penchant for using both of these for severe punishments, and what that entails for my derreiere; yet, she still craves their sting. She wonders if I think she has gone mad!
well...maybe... |
The short answer is NO! My Jo has not gone mad. She is only deliriously aching for the unknown in a world she is just beginning to explore and understand. In fact, I rather find her brave! First, in that she was able to communicate her wants and needs to her new Sir, a friend of long standing to be sure, but all the same, how many of you could blurt out the words, "I want you to SPANK me!"
think I'll have these printed up to help with that initial conversation for all beginners... |
Not an easy conversation to have, long standing relationships or not!
And second, because she never stops wondering what every possible implement would feel like. Delicious anticipation aside, darling Jo, you are incredibly courageous!
and that says it all. |
Like me, Jo is fair skinned, and like me, she does not mark easily. Though she says her bottom feels like her Chesterfield afterward, she is readily supplied to battle whatever discomfort she receives. The simple fact of me knowing this really illustrates what a fantastic lady she is. And I've seen her bottom post-spanking. It's a lovely rose color; a lovely bum altogether. Her Sir is doing her proud.
So for all you beginners, whether tops or bottoms, Vanillas or not, take my Jo as an example for yourselves. Launch yourselves headfirst into exploring what makes you happy. And then like her...wise, witty, charming and elegant, beautiful and too will be finding some happiness in your brave new world.
if you start at the bottom and work your way'll be rum raisin before you know it, love! |
Love you, Jo. So proud!
ReplyDeleteThis is another wonderful blog...
And it is about the most beautiful and wonderful Lady in the world.
I feel so honoured and blessed that Jo has so much trust in me to be her Sir.
I agree with you how brave Jo is and how much of a fantastic Woman she is.
R xx
Well, my darling Emily..I never thought I would see the day when I would be reading a spanking blog with an article on spanking, naturally, with my name and the word 'spanking' in the same sentence!!!! Just surreal - but fanbloomintastic THANK YOU!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for so many wonderful compliments, gosh I blushed the whole way through...but it made me realise one thing, yes, I am very brave.
I like to think of myself as an all or nothing kind of girl and throw myself into things with a gungho attitude..or else what is the point. Spanking has been my lifelong passion and as you so rightly say, am only just beginning to realise now. Better late than never.
My Sir informs me tonight that he has just purchased a leather strap to use on me next time he visits...oh boy, not feeling quite so brave now!!!
Thanks for being that ear to bend, the shoulder upon which to you.
Jo xxxx
p.s. On the ice-cream scale of naughtiness, I'd have to say that I have risen from the plain creamy depths of vanilla, to the fruity heights of rosey pink strawberry rather quickly. Next stop? Why rum 'n raisin of course!!!