Because I have missed you. But now I think, it is time to come roaring back in true red redhead style.'s a little update.
I can without a doubt say that I am in the most remarkable relationship of my entire life. Why? Because I simply AM... love
I AM His. And He lets me know it by all the little things he does to set my life afire. Not only His amazing prowess in the bedroom, but His prowess at showing me what and who I AM...
I AM strong, and He lets me be strong.
I AM healthy in mind and body, and He encourages my health.
..trite but true
I AM brilliant and witty, and He loves those things.
I AM fun, and playful, and He plays.
I AM needy, at times, and He feeds me, with intelligent thought and conversation; with artful passion; with tenderness or Dominance, as He sees a need.
...or if I am in need
I AM Emily, a girl who has become a woman under His skillful caress.
I AM happy, happiness, light. I am safe, and I am free as a bird. His bonds have made me that.
...and I am home
and still missing your sweet words and beautiful heart, looking forward to seeing more from you soon young lady xxx - Inamorato -
ReplyDeleteWhat’s become of Dr. Winters, writer’s block?