08 September 2011

Yes, I Really Think So

Yes, I really think that there is something wonderful about being a submissive. I think that it is something that requires a tremendous amount of personal strength, commitment, and knowledge.
 Yes, I really think that it is not a game, nor should it be played as such. Why? Namely because of the many people I have met who have done so, not accounting for the amount of strength it requires. They assume it to be this wonderful realm where all your needs are met, all your fantasies and desires made reality, and all your wishes come true. I laugh when I hear this.
Yes, I really think that these people are not reading the right books. In no way does it mean any of these things. Yes, your needs are met when it is not a game and you are sure of just what your needs are, and convey them....out loud! Yes, your fantasies and desires can be made reality, if in fact the trust you develop within your relationships allows you to release the limits upon them. And yes, all your wishes can come true. Provided of course you have met the Dominant of your dream and it is also His wish to fulfill them. If all of these conditions are met, you may as well just sit right down and have yourself a party because you are swimming in the perfect sea. Always a good temperature and the waves just right. Lucky you. No life vest required.  So to all of you playing the sub game and wondering why it's not working out, please do some more thorough research. I recommend the following website for a beginning submissive, especially those who continually meet and accept the wrong sort of Dominant. http://sirrobin51.tripod.com/
Yes, I really think that being a submissive is wonderful, if you truly have the desire to serve, and if you are lucky enough that the person who accepts your gift does not take a bad advantage of it. Not every Dominant is going to be able to do this, and you must be careful about giving over the control you crave too soon, or you might find yourself doing something you never intended in the first place. Online games have their place, and can be a tremendous amount of fun, no doubt, but they can also lead to a beginning sub having a great deal of hurt and confusion over just how this thing is supposed to work.
It is not all right, unless you choose it to be and you like that sort of thing, for a Dominant to assume that you are a cum slut, or a whore just because you decided to offer him the gift of your submission. If he shows you no respect, and cannot accept you for who you are, limitations and all..please do me a favor and leave as soon as possible. Because in the end, he will leave you and find a dumping ground who wants to be treated badly. I am NOT offering an opinion on people who like to be treated badly. If that's your thing, well okay then, have at it. I am merely stating that being a submissive does not mean anyone has the right to treat you like a floor mat.

Yes, I really think that I am lucky. I have managed to find someone to serve whom I hold above myself in a way that does not mean I am less of a person, or less than worthy of respect, or less in any way at all. In fact, serving Him makes me more, in many, many ways. It makes me more clear in my role as a submissive. I know for the most part what my expectations are and I have no problem meeting them. I know that my gift is treated with the respect and admiration that it deserves, but does not place me on a pedestal or make me a queen bee. It does make me feel treasured, very much so, and it does make me feel cherished, which is a feeling unlike any other.
Yes, I really think that I could be quite happy for a very long time, if not forever, serving in the way that I am. It fulfills a need in me that has long gone unmet, and it chases me daily into finding ways to better myself, to create in myself a perfection to match that of the One I serve. He would be the first to say that He is not perfect. And that in itself is perfect. You certainly do not want a Dominant who espouses his own virtues night and day. Nothing is a clearer mark of egoism and dishonesty than that. One thing I never knew that I wanted in a Dominant is something I have found and could not be more pleased with. That quality is one of wanting to improve Himself, as well as wanting to help me improve me. I cannot tell you how very pleasing that is.
So, Yes, I really think so. Being a submissive is thrilling, exciting, inspiring, and even educational. It is finding a way to serve while learning both to serve well, and to serve with passion. It is a means to opening yourself to the world, and once you let it in, allowing it to mold you, change you, taking each new experience and making of it a true and lasting thing. A thing of marked beauty and desire. A thing of patience and heeding. A thing of pleasure and trust. A thing of absolute honesty and devotion. And more importantly a thing of promise.



  1. Exceptionally insightful post Emily. As passionate as you are about serving with all your soul, I hope you find a Dom who is equally passionate about adoring you and helping you grow as a person.

  2. Thank you for sharing the link. Being a newer submissive I'm looking for knowledge & feel that I need to know myself first before I will find the right Dom


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