06 September 2011

Moving Mountains

I spoke with a very wise friend today..who by the way has an incredibly sexy voice and accent..haha...and I want to thank him most heartily for the advice and wisdom he shared with me. He is a sort of mentor/advisor to many and he seems to know more about the submissive mindset than even a sub knows herself. He had many things to tell me, all of which I will take under consideration and give them careful thought. But there was one gem of wisdom which I have certainly heard before, but which has not yet struck me quite so sharply as it did today.

..and in spite of how hard my brain is working..i am still smiling...
That little pearl? If you want something badly enough you will move mountains to get it. I am paraphrasing only slightly as he will know, but do so for a reason, which he will also know. I have moved many mountains in my life for things that I wanted. Some seemed insurmountable, others merely hills. But the fact remains that obstacles were met and crossed, hurdles were jumped, and the end result was much to my liking. So he is absolutely correct in his statement, but it led me to think on something else. What if the mountain will not BE moved?
..or worse...what if you begin to fall of of it..?
That is where you are left with choices. Decisions to make. Decisions regarding, as he so wisely put it, how much less you can live with. Decisions regarding whether or not moving that mountain will in fact get you to the other side of it. Decisions regarding whether who you are as a person is who you are meant to be, and if it is...have you just screwed yourself? Decisions regarding something else as well. Action and reaction, two maneuvers we all perform, and the dynamics of which another friend has explained.

if i climb to the top..how will i get down..?

We can act and we can react, but we cannot influence either the actions, or the reactions of others. In some instances we can only wait patiently by to see just how their actions will affect our reaction. In others, we know right away by the wrench in our hearts or the shaking in our limbs. By the pounding pulse through our veins or the rich laughter escaping our lips. But what about when there is no action? Is this the time to move that mountain or is it the time to wait, to react by doing nothing at all?

..okay..yes, i partly put this in here because i love the dress...but also because sometimes you do have to sit idly by..and wait...

Perhaps you will all think me mad. It certainly is not the first time right? I simply feel that when I learn some wonderful bit of ecstatic wisdom that I want to share it with anyone who just may listen. So what did I learn from my discussion today? It would seem it has brought me a lot of questions and very few answers, but that is not necessarily true.

...i'll try to clear the fog...

One answer I have now is that I was unaware of my wants. He clarified them for me in words that had not come to the fore of my mind. Another answer is, that now being clarified, my wants have more meanings. My friend validated that who I am as a sub, is really and truly a sub, and that my confusion, my questions and my purpose in being a sub are all worthy endeavors, and that if I can maintain the "urge to serve" that I feel, it will be rewarded eventually by the plucking of that string deep within me that fulfills my desires. Whether it is the first pluck or the last, he assures me, it will be plucked.

Okay, so he kind of made me feel a bit like a lute, but the analogy in his words was really quite beautiful. His point being that answers are there, they just are not always where you seek them. And if you do happen to find them there, then you are blessed and lucky indeed, and whatever mountain you have to move to make it happen, just dive in with your cute little pink shovel and start digging. And if you hit a stone, see what color it is before you throw it away.

My thanks to you Sir. R. Your willingness to help and your kindness to me will never be forgotten.

1 comment:

  1. I wish you well on your journey of self discovery.


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