20 July 2011

Tuesday Tidbits...Snippets

funny friends who crack me up
worry that's dissolved with a smile
an entire day of sexy laughter
good news
pictures that give me glee
a midnight walk by the sea and a bubbling creek
finally finishing something you're proud of
walking away with my head held high
surprising gifts...
...to the sea... over and over...
drawings by 5 year olds
sitting by the water's edge and talking things over with my best friend in the world
working it out and finding a way
holding hands with a dream
knowing...and still wanting...
tossed salad with ginger balsamic
board game spinners that land on red
swimming in the late evening
water, touch...mmmm
charting a course of exploration...
...floating on daydreams...
sailing on the open sea
dancing in a train car
travel from start to here
thunderstorms, brief and intense
...what shall it be today...
verb endings and what they mean
discovering the power of -ing
the perception of perfect
yes...even more new shoes
being the giddiest-est...


  1. Beautiful post with excellent pix. Thanks.

  2. Simplicity of life is good... Great post...

  3. Joey, and 1 man...thank you both for your kind comments...i was particularly happy when i wrote this...some very wonderful and incredibly charged thoughts in my head. Thank you both for your loyalty to my blog, and your wonderful comments..always appreciated. And Joey! I owe you big time for that review deal! Mwah!


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