07 July 2011

To Be Happy...

When something good happens in your life, there really is only one choice: Be happy about it.
Don't go jumping ahead with worry about what if it all goes wrong.
Don't second guess your feelings, your thoughts or your reactions.
Chances are good things will go wrong again soon enough.
So just wait for it, and then be upset. Take your happy and run with it.



  1. May all happiness be yours. You deserve it. You are a dear person. Beneath the claws is a true...Kitten

  2. Thanks and that is truly sweet...but kittens actually have the sharpest claws.

  3. Most excellent advice! :-)

    Oh... and you may have to switch your comment settings for a while, so that Anonymous posts aren't allowed. It's a shame to have to do that, but it only takes one asshat to make it necessary.

  4. Ooops... the asshat comments were deleted. I didn't mean that the Anonymous person who posted first is an asshat! (blushing)

  5. Hahaha! Erica you are a riot!
    Yes, I deleted the asshat comments...not sure what that was all about, but there were more of them...and adjusted my settings as you recommended them...too bad I didn't save them, they might make a good future blog post! Hahahaha

  6. You are an intelligent and witty person Emily. You deserve to find happiness and love.


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