11 July 2011

Oh The Places You'll Go!

Forgive me Dr. Seuss...I simply had to...

You just never know all the places you'll go
When you first start to drive down the way,
And when you pass by all the folks you don't know
They'll wave and applaud, shout Hooray!
...be sure to leave nice and early...
You've jumped a big hurdle in your little life
You've been friend, you've been lover, you have been wife,
But now you're alone driving down the big street
And you just never know who you'll happen to meet
Wearing perfectly perfect pink shoes on your feet.
...my favorite driving shoes...
Oh, the places you'll go, when you first start to drive
Wearing a shirt that makes you feel alive.
Your shirt and your shoes, yes, that's all that you'll need
As you start on your journey with far too much speed .

As long as you don't get a ticket, indeed.
...though wearing this should help you get out of it...hehe
But you do not care where you end up at all
Cause just now you're feeling at least 6 feet tall
And even if you crash into a brick wall...

At least you'll have tried.
...and will try again...
The music is loud and the company grand
Encouraging, sexy, the finest fine man
Who urges you on to your big journey's end
And makes you feel proud you can call him a friend.
...so proud, so pleased...
And once you have reached your unknown destination
You won't feel discouraged, or bleak devastation
Instead you'll feel great, like the end of a race
When you know you have won, a huge smile on your face.
...ear to ear...
You'll rush to the water and plunge in your toes
Drop a kiss on a whitecap and watch as it goes
Floating out to the sea, to mingle with those
That were left there for you, as the waves fell and rose.

And you will feel giddy...
Oh, the places you'll go, if you just have the freedom
Of knowing your heart and that someone believes in
The things you can do if you just try to do it
And suddenly you'll feel that you always knew it.
..you'll want to dance...
So, as Dr. Seuss said, you've a brain in your head
And you've feet in your shoes, whether pink, blue or red
At least they're not white, what a horrible sight!
Take a swim in the ocean one moon starry night
And you'll see that what I have said here is right.
It may not be sexy or filled with deep lust
But poems like this are an absolute must
If you wish to honor someone that you trust
Oh, the places you'll go, if you would just just...
..let yourself go...
Thank You.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely beautiful Emily. Enjoy the ride!!


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