26 June 2011

The Sea's Embrace

inspired by Walt Whitman...and Walt's Wit, hehe

pure power, no control
as the sea sweeps my soul
holds me in delicious thrall
lusting for the crest and fall

words the waves that draw me up
wait is rhythm's filling cup
want the tide, need the press
salty ocean to divest

fathoms deep to lull me sweet
caressing me, beg, entreat
tossing, turning, demanding thrust
yet my sea has earned my trust

kisses dance on foamy caps
rest my head, billowing taps
floating on the sea's embrace
ocean warm, i see Your face


  1. As one who has lived on the sea, and experienced her tranquil beauty as well as her raging power, I too miss her.

  2. my sea is all that and more...i simply crave it hour upon hour

  3. Absolutely with you there, Emily. There is something so soulful, even primal about the oceans caress Beautiful words, sentiments and images.

  4. Brilliant post Emily. I love the sea and the tranquility it brings.

  5. Full fathom five thy father lies,
    of his bones are coral made.
    Those are pearls that were his eyes.
    Nothing of him that doth fade,
    but doth suffer a sea change
    into something rich and strange.

    William Shakespeare -The Tempest


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