08 November 2011

Fancy's Fancy...

there are days and there are nights
when fancy takes you on its flights...
then sets you down in fields of dreams
holding all you want it seems...

but then there are days...
when fancy leaves...a bare and souless heart it cleaves
it shows you not what you will see
but all the things that aren't to be...

and so you push it far away...
unmet questions held at bay...
answers only you can know
places only one can go...

spilling out among the breath...
a restless wandering put to death...
no matter how you fool yourself...
no answers left upon the shelf..

a guarded giving..a blundering take...
begging that you won't awake..
from perfect dreams where love takes place...
and gentle hands caress your face...

but stopping..open up your eyes...
and wake to finally realize...
that in that one word you won't speak
painted bright...a maze batik...the future will not let you peek...

so stay...the path is not well trod...
stay...though you may ride roughshod...
perhaps in time..when light grows bright...
fancy returns for another night...


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