03 October 2011

This Lobe or That?

I've been away for awhile..learning, growing..developing, as I want to do every day. And while I was away I learned something specific about myself that I want to share.

..i have a sexy brain!...
I have always considered myself a very tactile person, seeking stimulation for my senses through touch and feel. The touch of His hands on my skin. The way His shirt feels when I place my fingertips on His arm. The soft scruff of morning whiskers as they brush my lip..or my hip. The heat that builds in my skin as His rough fingers trail down my spine. The electric tingle that pulses through me as my hair is twined in His fist. The rush of moisture that comes from a single kiss on my neck. Or His fingers wrapping around my throat.
...though i do prefer the hair...
All of these sensations are processed through the receptors in my skin that send the signals racing toward the parietal lobe and the same race of signals back to my skin..back to those pulsing nerves, let me know lust is building, desire is rising, and want and craving are not far behind. Isn't the human brian a fabulous organism?

..just say yes..trust me on this one..
But, and new research indicates this, the brain is capable of change. The brain wants new information on a daily basis and new ways to process emotions (frontal lobe) as well as sensation (parietal). Well, my little brain is quite fortunate. What I learned is that auditory stimulation is for me as strong, or perhaps stronger than touch.

in one ear...and out through my nerves to everywhere else...
 The immediate thrill of excitement coursing through me when I hear His voice. The same chill down my spine when He calls me pet. The way His laughter causes me to shake with my own. The warmth in His voice when He says He is proud of me heating me as though He had just touched me. The smile on my face when He tells me good night. My temporal lobe is as happy as can be when I hear His voice.

..especially when He tells me this...
But nothing can compare to them all working together. When I see him smile, my occipital lobe does cartwheels. His laughter send my temporal lobe into tailspins. And the barest touch of His hand on my arm sends my parietal into orbit. As for my frontal lobe, it is working all day. Happiness exuding from there at the merest thought of His smile, His laughter, His touch, His scent. And as for my ear lobe...well...I'll let you know after I feel the warmth of His breath there. In the meantime, I'll keep that little tidbit for my brain stem...


1 comment:

  1. As usual my Ginger treat I'm jealous that I'm not the one your writing of I agree with you that the whole sensation touch smell hearing is as important in any act of love to ignore any part is to deny yourself a sensation the experience . As always your writing is wonderful and insightful to all who care to open their minds


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