17 August 2011

Tuesday Tidbits...Snippets

finally finding a peaceful way
days that fill your soul with light
funny dogs and splashing water
loooong soaks with good company
waking up in the arms of perfection...the coziest nest...
anticipation of patient desire
laughter, smiles and secret words
new dictionaries that you make on your own
a night of songs and stars
feeling giddy...
...caution to the wind...
consistent friends you learn to trust
honesty...telling the truth...and finding out it's okay
being liked more and more
knowing at the end of the day you're finally you
counting freckles. smiles, and splashes
lunch in a lap
picnic tables in the rain
tending to his coffee...to be continued...
top left drawers filled with fun
unslapped asses still to be remedied
fun on top of fun
learning...so many things...
days with silly girls
lots of new shoes
laughter and lunch and just being there
all the smiles my face can make
and the best one of all...going for what i want....
...and smiling yes or no...

1 comment:

  1. Emily,
    So glad that you are in a good place. :)


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