03 August 2011

Tuesday Tidbits...Snippets

 finally sleeping..sleeping to dreama speckled trail that ends at a seam...
laughter...music...ear to ear
his smile a lasting souvenir...
a tender touch on the arch of my foot
being told i'm very good...
cold wit beer coating my tongue
feeling as though i'll always be young...
promises that will be kept
beaches wind and water swept...
shining lights from a far off pier
descriptive words that make me feel near....
..where's that backpack stashed again...?
 gifts of secrets adoringly laid
delicious plans patiently made....
..and kisses...
waiting, and wanting, waiting some more
looking and thinking in a top left drawer...
learning and growing to learn again
lessons from an intriguing man....
..with yin and yang hands... 


  1. Emily,
    You appear to be in a good place.

  2. Emily, you will always be young!


Let me hear from you please!