This is the second unusual comment I have received from this poster and I am quite certain I have not a clue what in the hell she is talking about. But she wants me to post strange or interesting questions, so I am happy to oblige.And if anyone can shed some light on this for me, will you please do so?
Talk about your crazies!
By the way, my editorial comments will be in blue, my favourite color!
My question:
Please, if you get any strange or unpleasent questions here, could you post them up so that we can all see what has been asked? So that I have some e this idea of what is going on, there is no way i can guage what and how the lieing bastard is doing to sett me up if no one will talk to me to tell me what is going on. (I do believe this qualifies as strange and unusual, yes!)
As for you and your blog, I wish you every success and I have no questions, you and your life and he and his life and his women and their lives are no concern for me what so ever. I split with him months ago my happiness is far better now even with their tampering. (Okay, so erm...thanks for the compliment...and who and whose life exactly? And if you split with him then why do you care? Don't worry readers...this gets even better...)
Of course this is your blog You have every right to post what you wish within the constraints of the law. (Why thank you, I do believe you are correct, and if it is indeed my blog, why are you using it to air your dirty laundry?)
(this is the third comment I've made on your blog and just in case, I believe you to be a total innocent bystander (and I am truely sorry, you don't deserve this but It really has to stop), (Oh, my..what has to stop?...are you as excited as I am readers to find out what's going on?) I just really wish his devious bitches would stop their deluded, sadistic, coprophilic (even I had to look this one has something to do with bestiality, not a topic of any interest to me whatsoever, and so therefore I know I am indeed an innocent bystander...whew!) behaviour and leave me and other innocents affected by them alone. DO YOU KNOW CHILDREN SAW SOME OF THE THINGS YOU'VE SHOWN OF ME!(At first I thought she meant me...but since I am fairly certain she is speaking to someone who has apparently really pissed her off, and since I an neither coprophilic nor deluded, nor ever anywhere near children, I will assume I am in the clear..) Like you even give a jot!(actually, I do..if I knew what in the bloody hell was going on and why my place is the proper forum for expressing it!) Fine punish me for the things I've done, but ONLY the things I've done and not the things you 'THINK' I've done). BTW who do you think you are taking punishment into your own hands go through the proper authorities you arogen self-richeous prasites?! (Yep, pretty sure this one is meant for us parasitic spankers and their ilk..damn, I thought we might be off the hook worm. Oh well!)
Again Sorry Emily! I hope you can see I am trying to protect the grater number of people here. Sorry!
(So readers...feel protected? Or are you kind of looking over your shoulder right now like me, wondering if this word wizard is looking for you!)
![]() |
only a suggestion... |
Oh, and...all comments appreciated!
Boy, that one weirded me out. I just hope whoever it was directed at can make some sense out if it because I can't and I'm pretty sure you and your other readers can't either. It's either a stitch-up (but why and aimed at who) or there's someone's really pissed and chose to use your blog as a conduit. Good one, you, for taking the leap of faith and reprinting this. Nevertheless, it sadly misses the spirit of Emily's Erotica...
ReplyDeleteThank you Dale, and yes I know..not erotic at all, but I simply had to..and after all it IS my blog and I can post whatever I like "within the constraints of the law" dontcha know!
Well, it does contain the word "contraints". "Restraints" would have been more erotic, but who's counting? ;)
ReplyDeleteWhat... the... @#$%??? Nope, not feeling protected here. Feeling very, very scared.
ReplyDeleteI wish she would share her drugs.
Nope not a go at you or spankophiles.
ReplyDeleteIt will make sence to 'them'.
[I have never revealed his vanilla identity. I have never contacted his family. I have never posted a pic of him online. I have never saught to ruin him or any realtionship he has. I have saught to have him treat us all fairly and justly my mothods were flaud and induced by a breakdown because he was silencing me as to what was going on. I do not deserve your attacks, if you believe I do please will you explain so we can sort this out!
This is not the right place and I am sorry to use you in this way! They are manipulating a great many of people and one mother approached me regarding what they'd seen online! You sick bastards! Yes I masturbate I have no humiliation regarding it, it's natural but please if you illeagally publish that stuff please take every measure to protect innocents!]
Again Emily, not aimed at you or spankophiles in general.
Coprophilic: eating shit. Like the shit of his that they swallow.
ReplyDeleteGood thought. Maybe if she did share her drugs we would all understand what in the world is going on!
Still lost Anonymous.
How about a little enlightenment?
Does your mysterious man read my blog or something?
Otherwise BUGGER OFF!
Yes he does ;) more importantly they do.
ReplyDeleteOkay, anonymous, then may I suggest you let me in on what is going on? Otherwise from here on out all your comments will be marked as spam. I simply cannot have this kind of shite going on here. Talk to them not through me!
ReplyDeleteWe're trying to have fun and YOU are spoiling it!
did you remove that one? or did it get misplaced in the eather like my emails do?
ReplyDeleteI have two things to say.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading the blog AND the following comments, I'm still lost!!
And Emily, you're just awesome. ^_^
ReplyDeleteI do know this girl. She is a girl who lost her way a couple of months ago - badly. Whether she is on drugs or not, that I cannot say, but once upon a time I used to know the girl before she became this.
I did a post about her on Sunday - she breaks my heart, because she use to be a talented, bright, funny and clever girl.
I recognise her ramblings in the post that you did put up, because I get emails from her regularly. I do not know how to help her, I cannot help her.
The only thing that I am truly praying for is that someone in the real world will notice that she is trouble, and get her the help she so desperately needs.
I know who this girl is as well. She vanished from Facebook before you arrived and she still has a lot of friends who want to help her if she would let us.
ReplyDeleteShe sees messages in all sorts of blog postings and it looks as if you are on her radar. Please, if you do manage to get in touch with her, ask her to see someone who can help her.
Raven and Uncle Nick,
ReplyDeleteThank you both for a little bit of enlightenment at least. Honestly I did not know quite what to make of all this and hope neither of you think me harsh for my comments. It is simply my way. I think you both know by now that I am an irrepressible smart arse.
At any rate, she has not really "contacted" me so to speak...she has merely left her ramblings, as you call them Raven, here for me to find. she knows that you both are concerned and care. Perhaps it will help her.
Now he's set ppl up against me and becuse they wont talk to me he can do waht the hell he likes when hacking my lappy and when telling them stuff about me. Most will be based on truth but I think he's extrapolated to a place that I'd never ever go to. I believe he kept phoning or texting himself and pretended it was me although I hardly phoned him after the 2nd week on Novermber and texted him and k after january the first (and totally stopped when I began to suspect that he was forwarding on all calls and texts to k). I believe he's told them and maybe hacked so they believe I've contacted his family when i never would they are total innocents!!! I have no hard evidence that he's winding them up so for all I know it could be just a head fuck on there behalf they are making me think things are going on that aren't. If that is the case you are sick people and not victims as well.
ReplyDeleteHe was telling k that i've been asking someone the wrong questions in the wrong way to the wrong people and it really riled he she said that I would wish that I'd die... but as I can't see who or what or where exactly I can't defend myself and I find myself making wild stabbs in the dark in a vain means of defending myself. Believeing him is all he requires from someone but when you keep catching him out it's hard to cope with and when you keep catching him out and he's blowing hot and cold and making you believe you are mad because to are aware of his others and he has no intention of just admitting it and they refuse to accuse or acknowledge that he's torturing you unnesecerilly because of their slow manipulation over many many months. Also having me listen into conversations with other people rather than telling all and alowing us all to have our own private uninterupted time with him and maybe time together too. I started trying to force him to tell me, ringing him and texting when they were with him, hoping that either she turned around and said just tell her or he'd have to tell me or split up with me.. But we all failed to contact eachother directly because we were all under his influence and wanted to believe that he knew best.
I'm out of it now, I'd like to be debriefed (no pun intended) but I've accepted the facts and realise that he won't have learned from it. It's not right to play god with other people's lifes and it's not ok to decieve as long as the other person things thinks are OK for them. It's not OK to turn people against someone and to cause those somepeople to break the law and do horrid things to another person as long as they believe that it's me that's in the wrong and they are vindicated, because that manipulation all though deluded is still very harmfull to thouse involved let alone the person they are targeting.
Last week on Wed apparently I supposidly did something to warrent being hacked and attacked yet again. I am none the wiser but I believe he now feels that he has got back at me for calling him a liar,catching him out and for me phoning constantly, the times that I did, so maybe that was the turning point and we can all get on with the future or whatever tattered remains of what is left with it. What happened to me on wed was I was in BSchat and was having no probs but then my internet went down and although it said there was still a network connection no page that I tried to get on would open they all came up with the standard 'have you miss typed the name of the page' not even google would come up. So fuck all I could do about anything.
ReplyDeleteLook for the mixed messages coming from me and 'me' one is me the one who's doctor will. I wanted to talk on the phone actually talk, not text and/or to meet because that way messages to eachother can not be intercepted. As it is I can't guage the severity of the situation or if it's just a head fuck or what I can prove the hacking, loopbacks and local host network but how he is or weather he is using that to manipulate them I don't know, I can only deduse from what snippets I'm bing told.
I just they have a strong enough mind not to be goaded into doing thigs they may regret or things that they would not have been if they had either not been manipulated or if they had talked this through.
Now he's set ppl up against me and becuse they wont talk to me he can do waht the hell he likes when hacking my lappy and when telling them stuff about me. Most will be based on truth but I think he's extrapolated to a place that I'd never ever go to. I believe he kept phoning or texting himself and pretended it was me although I hardly phoned him after the 2nd week on Novermber and texted him and k after january the first (and totally stopped when I began to suspect that he was forwarding on all calls and texts to k). I believe he's told them and maybe hacked so they believe I've contacted his family when i never would they are total innocents!!! I have no hard evidence that he's winding them up so for all I know it could be just a head fuck on there behalf they are making me think things are going on that aren't. If that is the case you are sick people and not victims as well.
ReplyDeleteHe was telling k that i've been asking someone the wrong questions in the wrong way to the wrong people and it really riled he she said that I would wish that I'd die... but as I can't see who or what or where exactly I can't defend myself and I find myself making wild stabbs in the dark in a vain means of defending myself. Believeing him is all he requires from someone but when you keep catching him out it's hard to cope with and when you keep catching him out and he's blowing hot and cold and making you believe you are mad because to are aware of his others and he has no intention of just admitting it and they refuse to accuse or acknowledge that he's torturing you unnesecerilly because of their slow manipulation over many many months. Also having me listen into conversations with other people rather than telling all and alowing us all to have our own private uninterupted time with him and maybe time together too. I started trying to force him to tell me, ringing him and texting when they were with him, hoping that either she turned around and said just tell her or he'd have to tell me or split up with me.. But we all failed to contact eachother directly because we were all under his influence and wanted to believe that he knew best.
I'm out of it now, I'd like to be debriefed (no pun intended) but I've accepted the facts and realise that he won't have learned from it. It's not right to play god with other people's lifes and it's not ok to decieve as long as the other person things thinks are OK for them. It's not OK to turn people against someone and to cause those somepeople to break the law and do horrid things to another person as long as they believe that it's me that's in the wrong and they are vindicated, because that manipulation all though deluded is still very harmfull to thouse involved let alone the person they are targeting.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you have spoken unjustly to me at all Emily, I would have probably responded exactly the same had this happened to me.
I'm sorry about involving you.
I've never taken illegal substances to my knowledge but I know K has and I know that she is schitzophrenic because ex shared that with me when it was of most advantage to him.
ReplyDeleteLike he had me liseten into convos when it was of most advantage and also had them listen into mine.
Interesting why do you keep deliting the first part of the message?
ReplyDeletePART ONE
ReplyDeleteWell I wrote an aploogy and explaint it wasn't aimed at you when I had a rant on a previous blog of yours and when I posted here further to adress this question and they both vanished, so either you deleted them or what I thought was me replying to you over the internet was actually me on a closed or loopnet work, because my ex has done this to me before.
So I'll have another attempt extreemly condenced.
My ex said he was married and was cheeting on his wife with a sub (k). Ex and k put out an add for a further playmate, I joined them. I felt terrible for cheeting on his wife with him but i managed to justify it because even if I didn't he would still be cheating, flawed I know. A few months passed and ex and I wanted to play alone without k. We aranged to do so. I had the most horrendus guilt that I was cheating on k and urged ex to inform k. He wouldn't. "Which is it better for her to believe?" I always believed the answer to that question to be it is better that you tell her the truth because she has entrusted you to do so. We continued to play and I was still seeing k but the three of us were no longer playing together. I've learned that going against my morals breaks me therfore I do everything to avoid doing so now, and it did break me. I belived that it was for him to tell her, it was their relationship and I was the interloper but I kept urging him to and I thought she probably was aware of us so that by him telling her it would strengthen his and her bond not weaken it.
ReplyDeleteI then became aware of him having others and he admitted that he had had others whilst he was with k but she was unaware of it and therefor content with her lot. I confronted him on him having others after a long battle with myself the feelings of jelousy but mainly rejection plus having to come to terms in an enlightened form as to what it felt like to be cheated on so I had stronger empathy towards his wife and k. He denied them but promised me he'd tell me if he was planning to see 'someone else'. It kept going on and he'd go off sex with me for a while and become narkey with me at times and then we'd change hotel and he'd be allover me again. I got depressed with the situation, he'd promised me that he'd tell me so that he wasn't playing god with my sexual health. When I challenged him he refused to admit but occationally he'd start talking about threesomes and would be on the verge of telling me but me just wanting him to get on with it tell me the truth and stop fucking with my head just wanted him to get on with it, I'd already come to terms with it, I should have played it cool. He likes to introduce thoughts to people really really gradually, but thanks to all his slip-ups, showing me a pic of her bum by mistake, sending me emails and texts that were ment for her, continuing conversations that he'd not had with me...I think he thought that I'd bugger off if he told me that he'd had others when he'd been lieing to me.
It was just a downward spiral from there on really. When I was able to gain contact with one of his girls they would not talk to me which kept me in a perminant state of mental torture as he's doing now by continuing to pretend he has no one and never did......
OK, cool, some technical error then.
ReplyDeleteThey wont tell me what's going on I think they are to scared that their perception of the whole even will be challenged and that they wouldn't be able to cope with the truth.
ReplyDeleteI think they are so convinced against me because they think they have evidence against me. In actual fact IF they do think that then they have evidence that he is winding them up against me and I would be very interested to see that!